Hanes Hummus was officially announced as Sobeys Best New Supply Partner in Saskatchewan
In May of 2021, Hanes Hummus was officially announced as Sobeys Best New Supply Partner in Saskatchewan for 2020.
This accomplishment by Yohannes Petros and his team was achieved in just four months of partnership, as the product only became available in September of 2020.
Hot Date, Roasted Garlic & Dill, and The Original Moroccan Seven Spice began to sell in record numbers, proving that the market can and will make space for a superior product if presented the opportunity.
This award was designed to recognize outstanding performance in four major categories:
1)Consistent Service Levels
2)Friendly Interactions
3)Community Support
4)Social Media Engagement
The decision to select Hanes Hummus as the winner for 2020 was made by the Sobeys’ staff, and was a reflection of business to business interactions that created exciting success for both parties.
The defining promise of Hanes Hummus is to consistently supply grocery shoppers with a product that is healthy in a way that no corporate hummus can challenge.
With an official, public recognition of what thousands of social media followers already know, Hanes Hummus would like to acknowledge the Sobeys’ staff as the voice that gave us our first award from a national company.
Confident as we are in what we do, every great actor still needs a stage and a crew to produce a stage for their talent.
The three unique flavours of Hanes Hummus might be the star of the show, but without our retail partners we just couldn’t shine as bright.